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Specialist ITT/RFI Response Service

Responding to tender invitations and requests for information is a time-consuming and demanding task.  Timescales are often close to impossible, with deadlines putting extreme pressure on staff and resources.

Garrett Axford has many years’ experience in helping clients achieve the impossible, by taking over a considerable part of the workload – from formatting authors’ responses right through to final print and CD production.  And we always keep a stock of midnight oil to hand!

  • Confidential service, covered by NDAs and MoD classified status as necessary
  • Creating overall visual theme and formatting guidelines
  • Editing and proof-reading client’s copy – for grammar, style and consistency of technical descriptions
  • Formatting entire document, with fast approval turnarounds
  • Copywriting and preparation of Executive Summary, including design and layout to reflect the agreed theme, plus print production and translation into other languages as necessary
  • Copywriting fresh material by agreement for specific bid sections
  • Final production – printing, compiling & binding hard copies, plus quantity production of soft copies on CD or other electronic media